Dedicated To Providing Advice And Advocacy In Education And Special Education Matters
Education Consulting, Advocacy & Legal Services, LLC, serves parents, students and schools throughout the state of Massachusetts. We offer counsel and representation on the following:
- Guardianships
- Special Education
- Representation
- Consulting and Training
- Anti-Bullying
- Student Discipline
- Discrimination
- Special Needs Estate Planning
If you do not see your concern listed here, we nonetheless welcome the opportunity to advise you or point you in the right direction. Please see further descriptions of many of our services below.
Representing Students And Parents In Special Education Mediations, Team Meetings And Litigation
When your child is not getting the special education he or she needs, we can help. Our special education law attorneys will advocate for you and your child to see that he or she gets the education and attention he or she is entitled to. We represent parents at the administrative level at the Bureau of Special Education Appeals (BSEA), mediations, team meetings and litigation. We can evaluate your child’s IEP to ensure compliance with state and federal laws. We will advocate for the appropriate development of the Individual Education Plan (IEP) and assist in ensuring implementation. If the school is not in compliance, we can help. (Return to Top)
Special Education Consulting, Training And Workshops
We provide training on IEP development, how to write measurable annual goals, appropriate modification techniques, teaching to varying learning styles and more. we can help bring you up-to-speed on legal issues in education.
Our education law lawyers consult with and advise parents and the other parent organizations. (Return to Top)
Anti-Bullying Advocacy On Either Side
One of the newer areas of education law that has emerged is how school bullying is legally handled. Our firm is extensively knowledgeable of the Massachusetts laws that govern bullying and stays current on any new laws that are being considered or passed.
We represent students and parents on either side of the issue; whether the child has been the victim of bullying or is being accused of committing criminal acts related to bullying. We can handle the legal aspects of the case as well as any administrative issues that may arise with the school, such as suspensions or expulsions. (Return to Top)
Representation In Student Disciplinary Proceedings
If your child is facing suspension or expulsion from public school, you have recourse. We will aggressively advocate for your child to see that he or she is treated fairly. If your child is facing serious discipline at school, he or she is entitled to an administrative hearing to determine the appropriateness of that discipline. We have successfully represented parents and students at these hearings. Your child is entitled to a public education.
If your child is facing discipline, suspension, or expulsion because of truancy or any other reason, contact us. (Return to Top)
Don’t Tolerate Discrimination
When your child suffers discrimination at school, it is not only unfair but also illegal. If your child has been denied services based on a disability, we can help. Your child is compelled to attend school. Your child should not be forced to accept violations of his or her civil rights in order to receive an education. (Return to Top)
Estate Planning For Families With Members With Special Needs
When children reach the age of majority, (18 years of age), parents lose their decision-making ability. We help parents navigate and retain their ability to protect their child’s interest.
Depending on the severity of your child’s disability, guardianship may be an option. This is a legal process where a court needs to grant authority that will allow guardians to make informed decisions on behalf of your child’s health care, living situation and other related issues.
If guardianship is not appropriate for your child, we also construct other estate planning documents that will bypass the legal guardianship process but can afford the same rights as guardianship authority would have. These documents consist of a durable power of attorney, health care proxy and a HIPAA release form.
Lastly, parents of children with special needs face financial challenges and obstacles. We can construct special needs trusts for your child that supplement any public benefits your child currently receives and will provide financial assistance to your child over the course of his or her lifetime. (Return to Top)
Schedule A Consultation Or Learn More About Our Educational Legal Services
We welcome your inquiry. Send us a message or call 781.231.IDEA (4332) today. Schedule an initial consultation or learn more about the educational legal services that we offer.